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Mrs. Deborah Stachler « Teacher Connection / Documents / Calendar

Español: Para leer este mensaje en español, en la opción española parte inferior derecha de esta página (por encima de Marketplace) y el contenido será traducido al idioma español. Gracias.

Hello Kindergarten Families!

Can’t wait to get to meet you all at orientation! I hope you will find our class website as a great tool to find out more about what is going on in our classroom, important dates, and opportunities for Parental Involvement (PI) time.  I also like to post pictures from time to time.  So please check back often.  :)

Over the next couple of weeks we will get to know one another a little bit better, and your boys and girls will learn more about our school rules and routines.  We will also share some amazing books with great characters like Pete the Cat, Clark the Shark and more.  Please feel free to contact me via a note in the agenda, email (please put "student" in the subject line, not students name), or phone if you have any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your precious child's life.  It's going to be a SUPER year! 

Mrs. Stachler    

I know you may have many questions.  Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.  We will have a parent meeting/Open House soon where we will be able to spend more time discussing the ins/outs of Kindergarten, but for now, I hope the following is of use to you.

1) Should my child wear a uniform everyday? Yes. Everyday your child if required to wear the approved uniforms with PE shoes (sneakers, tennis shoes). Please make sure a complete spare uniform is supplied at school for those “just in case” accidents. Specific requirements are in the Student Handbook.

2)   How does lunch work?

Children can bring their lunch from home, or purchase a lunch at school.  Your child’s lunch account may be paid in advance or daily.  When paying for lunch, please send the money in a sealed envelope in your child’s binder or via PayPam.  As with any money being sent to school, please label the money with your child’s name and write the purpose of the money on the envelope. If your child brings a lunch box, please write his/her name on the outside in an easily visible place.  Our lunch time is TBA.

 3)   Will the children have snack everyday?

Yes.  You should send snack in your child’s back pack separate from his/her lunch.  Please send snack in in the Ziploc bag provided.  This will go back and forth every day.  You should put an ice pack in the bag if it needs to be kept cold. Please choose healthy snacks for your child.  Fruit, yogurt, cheese are a few suggestions.  No candy or soda will be allowed.  I encourage you to send a small water bottle for your child’s snack drink, but if you are unable, we have a water fountain in the classroom that your child may use. 

 4)   Will my child have a rest time everyday? Yes.  We will rest every afternoon.  Your child may bring a small blanket/towel

5)   How will we communicate with each other?

Each day your child will bring home their binder. Their binder will have their agenda, behavior sheet and any paperwork or notes.  Please check the binder each evening and initial.  This is our main source of communication between home and school.  Therefore, it is extremely important to check and return the agendas daily.  Additionally, I need you to write your child’s dismissal plan in their agenda daily noting either carline or aftercare.  Feel free to contact me anytime by phone, e-mail (“student” in subject line), or notes!

 6)  Will my child have homework?

Most of the time your child will usually have homework Monday-Thursday.  Assignments will typically reinforce skills covered at school and will probably take your child 10 minutes to complete.  Occasionally, special projects will be assigned.  Check the monthly newsletter for details.

 7)  How does dismissal work?

Aftercare:  If your child goes to aftercare, they will be taken to the aftercare classroom.

Car Riders:  If your child is a car rider, they will be brought to the side of the building.  They will sit with their class until you arrive.  Place the carline sign in your front window stating your child’s name.  If someone else will be picking up your child please give them your sign or make an extra sign for them.  The sign must be in the window during dismissal.  A teacher will bring your children to you.  Please DO NOT get out of the car, or walk across traffic from the parking lot.  You will be asked for identification until we are familiar with your face.  Please have that ready to show to keep the car line flowing. 

Reminders: Please check agendas daily, sign & write where your child is going after school (aftercare, carline, etc.), make sure your child has a VCS approved jacket or sweater with their name on it!

Snacks: Please remember to send a healthy snack each day for your child! Thank you!

Dates to know... see calendar below, also make sure to check TVCS Calendar for campus wide events

 Our lunch time is  TBA.

As always, please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook or feel free to contact myself or the school if any questions arise.

Thank you,

~Mrs. Stachler
 This is a friendly reminder that your Scholastic Reading Club orders are due. You can place your orders online at using my class activation code: M28ZY

*PI Opportunity

  • Buffalo PRIDE Meetings
  • Classroom Volunteer or home projects
  • Volunteer at Special events across campus, call front offices for opportunities
  • Donate to the classroom:need receipts
    • Class snacks to share
    • Broom/Dust pan
    • $50=30 minutes PI
    • bake treats =1 hour PI time
    • Click below for more ideas!



PDF documents
100 Word Club info - 100 Word Club Information & words
ABCs of Kindergarten -
AR Explanation - AR Explanation
Book-It Reading Log -
Box Top Collection Sheet - Box Tops- Collect, Print & send in
Clip Chart & Behavior Plan -
Scholastic Book Letter - How to order books for our class

 November 2009
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