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Mrs. Dawn Andrews « Teacher Connection / Documents / Calendar

Welcome back to another school year.  I am so excited to be teaching 6th grade math again this year.  I look forward to meeting each one of my students and all parents at orientation on Tuesday, August 6.  We will be having 2 sessions (11-1 and 4-6).  You are welcome to come to either of these sessions.  You will be able to get your schedule and find all of your classrooms and meet all of your teachers.  Have an enjoyable remainder of your summer.


Students must be completing iReady assignments each week.  Every week, each student must pass a minimum of 1 lesson.  This is a weekly assignment.  In order for your student to receive a 100 on this assignment, he/she must pass one lesson.  Students will be given a Mastery grade on their iReady lessons each quarter.  In order for students to earn a 100 for this mastery grade, he/she must pass 10 lessons each quarter.  Please, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Please, check Skyward often to see if your student is missing any work.  If your student is absent or does not complete an assignment, he/she still needs to turn in any assignments missed or incomplete.  Please, help your student to complete these assigments on time!!!


Each student must have a binder or folder in which he/she is keeping all of the notes/handouts.  We will be using these notes to review for quizzes and tests.  During 4th quarter, we will use these notes to review for the state test.  I will be attaching a pdf copy of these notes at the bottom of my page as they are given to the students.  If your student is missing any of these handouts, just print the missing page(s) and have your student complete it.  Please, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  


Google Classroom codes for students:

6th regular (1st period): h6nqwch

6th regular (2nd period): mmpglqs

6th regular (4th period): zblnkht

6th regular (5th period): uhnb2wi

6th regular (6th period): ctqvwga

6th regular (7th period): srvkhwj




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