Literal Translation

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 Offer Verses Serve (OVS)

 The goal of OVS is to reduce food waste while allowing students to choose the foods they want to eat. Everyone plays a role. When students and cafeteria staff understand OVS, breakfast lines move   smoothly, allowing students to make the most of meal time and enjoy the wholesome and appealing foods they are served. It also helps reduce overall food costs. Under OVS at breakfast, schools must   offer at least four food items from the three required food components (fruit, grains, and fluid milk*).

  • A food component is one of three required food groups in a reimbursable breakfast. These are fruits, grains, and fluid milk*.
  • A food item is a specific food offered within the three food components, for example, 2 slices of whole grain-rich bread, 1 cup of grapes, and 1 cup of milk. This meal meets OVS breakfast requirements because three food components and four food items are offered.


Students must select at least three of the four offered food items under OVS at breakfast, including at least ½ cup of fruit and/or vegetable


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